miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

(Asignatura troncal) Taller sobre la ciudad árabe contemporánrea impartido por Thomas Stellmach los días 2 y 9 de abril. Idioma: inglés


Thomas Stellmach

appointment 1 - saturday 2nd April (Aula A-11) 

10:00-10:30 opening, introduction 

10:30-11:30  mini-lecture: examples & types plus discussion1

1:30-12:30  workshop brief I: catalogue & critical analysis of contemporary arab public space: 6 teams of 5 students each. 5 topics per group. 

12:30-13:30 round table discussion of brief, start analysis 

13:30-15:00 lunch break

15:00-18:00 analysis of examples

appointment 2 - wednesday 6th April (Aula CB1 por la mañana, y CB6 por la tarde, después de hora y media de clase teórica) 

10 lecture: arab domain: background, society, people, politics, space
Q &A, Discussion of found principles from analysis

appointment 3 - saturday 9th April (Aula A-11)

 10:00-12:00 Review: design principles and ideas 

18:00-20:00 Final Presentation

Things we need: 
- projector, including sound
- laptops & 
- drawing material for each student, transparent paper
- workspace with sufficient tables and chairs- printer & photocopier access
- internet

As we have very little time, i want to focus on the knowledge / analysis / understanding side of the workshop. Depending on the progress of the students and whether they will be able to work in-between the sessions, I would take the risk and let the first phase drag on and have only a sketchy second phase. The second phase will in any case only be a sketchy, or let's say radical, spatialisation of the discoveries of the analysis.

To sum it up: there will be 

A) two injections of knowledge from my side (showing examples plus some theory & history), 

B) an analysis part (research and drawings) done by the students and 

C) an impromptu design, a visualisation of the discoveries.

Será necesario traer el DNI para asegurar la entrada en la ETSAB el sábado (nota de Jefatura de Estudios).

Sería conveniente traer algo de comida para los almuerzos del 2 y el 9 de abril, a fin de perder poco tiempo al mediodía, según una nota de Thomas Stellmach.

Lista de asistentes:

Cristina Acosta Martínez
Alba Alsina Maqueda
Luis Bellera Fernández de la Cruz
Clea Granados Nikolaidon
Gerard Guerra López
Irene Hidalgo Gadea
Beatriz Lezáun Guinouláin
Valentina di Mascio
Manuel Rodríguez López
Aina Santos i Cabré
Inés Llopart
Anna Terradas
Joris Menno van Oeveren
Guillem Grau
Raquel Jiménez
Clea Granados
Martin Sunjic
Marc Marín
Pedro Azara

1 comentario:

  1. Hmmm for some reason only half the post can be seen. I tried reloading but still same.

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